Subject: RE: Brand/model suggestions?
To: 'Mikel Waxler' <>
From: William Lam <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 05/17/2004 11:56:03
> anyway. I can recomend the Xircom RE-100 for wired, it fits 
> flush and looks and functions really well.

The 3Com 3C3FE574BT also is a nice Type III PCMCIA 10/100 NIC with no
dongle. It's supported under the ep driver. The Xircom might have
Windows CE support, but the 3com definitely doesn't. Correct me if I'm
wrong, but the Xircom drivers are also a little flaky.

> As far as I know, no one has tried to get docking working on 
> any of the models. For the most part I think is probably not 
> something really necesssary. Since you will be using a flash 
> compatible disk for the OS if you really need to backup you 
> can just toss that disk in a card reader and backup to your 
> hearts content.

The z50 docking station only has a serial port and power. So you're not
really missing anything. It might only need hardware support though, and
it's a slight convenience to just have only one connection to detach.

I'd also recommend the z50, but on the basis of battery life, not
portability. Almost 16 hours on the extended battery, plus in a pinch
you can use the AA adapter. Try that with a Centrino or a Crusoe
notebook. But for something small I'd recommended a HP Jornada, maybe
the 720 (or the newer 728s if you can shell out the cash). However,
you'd have to run the hpcarm port. If you want to stick to the hpcmips
port, you other choice is the NEC MobilePro 770|780|790, but they're
bigger and heavier than the Jornadas.


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