Subject: Re: Noobie questions after install
To: None <>
From: Jimi Malcolm <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 07/28/2004 03:26:19
Tim Underwood (Wed@00h13)
> 1. How do I get my DCF-650W started up? The card is seen as wi0 (with
> all correct info), but won't power up. I need to have DHCP working for
> this card, for a couple of different WAPs and networks (Home and Office,
> so they'll be different ESSIDs, passwords and encryption levels). Can I
> set up multiple profiles and select among them?
Have you tried (as root):
# ifconfig wi0 up
I don't know the best way to go between different networks, but I use
the following script to load "profiles." Forget the authentication
stuff at the end; that's just to submit login information on a website
via lynx.
Here are examples of how to run the script:
$ sudo lan home # use profile ~/.lan.home
$ sudo lan wired # use profile ~/.lan.wired
$ sudo lan down # take down network DHCP and wi0
I then have the profiles in my home directory that are sourced so as to
set the correct environment variables. Here's an example of one for a
simple wired LAN:
---------------cut here >~/.lan.wired ------------
--------------end ~/.lan.wired -------------------
Here's the profile for an encrypted network at my house
---------------cut here >~/.lan.home ---------------
---------------end ~/.lan.home ---------------------
------cut here >lan -------------------------------
# lan:
# Configures the wireless card for the LAN. (wiconfig)
# Gets an IP address using DHCP. (dhclient)
# Performs the SSL authentication to access LAN. (auth)
# Ben Wong
# February 21, 2002
# Jimi Malcolm
# 3 Oct 2003
. /etc/rc.subr # Nice error/warn subroutines
PROGNAME=$(basename `echo $0`)
[ $1 = "-v" ] && verbose=$1 && shift || unset verbose
[ -n "$1" ] || err 2 "usage: ${PROGNAME} [ <netalias> | down ]"
device=`ifconfig -lb`
if [ "$1" = "down" ]; then
[ $verbose ] && echo "${PROGNAME}: taking down LAN device $device"
ifconfig $device down
[ $verbose ] && echo "${PROGNAME}: taking down dhclient"
/etc/rc.d/dhclient stop
exit 0
# Get $SSID and $KEY from the configuration file.
if [ -r ${HOME}/.lan.${netalias} ]; then
elif [ -r ${1} ]; then
err 1 "cannot read ${HOME}/.lan.${netalias}"
[ $verbose ] && echo "using configuration $config"
. $config
if [ ${ENCRYPTION} = "yes" ]; then
[ $verbose ] && echo "configuring wi0 for LAN access to ${SSID}"
if ! wiconfig wi0 -n ${SSID} -e 1 -k ${KEY} -P 1; then
[ $verbose ] && echo "wiconfig failed; will sleep 5 then try again."
sleep 5
if ! wiconfig wi0 -n ${SSID} -e 1 -k ${KEY} -P 1; then
err 1 "wiconfig failed again; giving up."
[ $verbose ] && echo "${PROGNAME}: contacting the LAN dhcpd"
if ! /etc/rc.d/dhclient restart; then
err 1 "dhclient failed"
# Authenticate if necessary
if [ ${AUTHENTICATE} = "yes" ]; then
[ $verbose ] && echo "${PROGNAME}: authenticating"
if auth $verbose $@ ; then
[ $verbose ] && echo "${PROGNAME}: successfully connected to LAN"
err 1 "LAN access denied"
-------end here------------------------------
Let me know if you see any problems in this or ways to do things better!
> 5. How do I cold-boot the MBPro880 and bypass the setup screens, and
> autoload the boot manager? Putting it in /windows/startup doesn't seem
> to work.
I think this was talked about somewhere in the archives in some detail,
but basically the MobilePro series doesn't support that
/windows/startup. WinCE is essentially hard coded to start. Correct me
if I'm wrong; it's been over a year since I read those posts.