Subject: Re: How to mount 2nd CF FAT16/32 card from the installation boot?
To: None <>
From: Matt Dainty <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 02/04/2005 14:29:37
* Andy Ruhl <> [2005-02-04 13:51:32]:
> On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 06:22:37 -0700, Snappy! <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to install 2.0 on my MP790. I have 2X 512MB CF card. One is used
> > for NetBSD installation while the other is used to store the tgz sets I
> > downloaded using my PC.
> >
> > After configuring sysinst for installation, I have the first CF partitioned
> > and stuff. I'm trying to use install by local directory, so I have to mount
> > the 2nd CF somehow, in order to access the tgz sets I downloaded.
> >
> > When I try to mount the 2nd CF, it gives me an error "device is not
> > configured". Any tips on how to do this? Thanks!
> Hmm...
> This could be due to /dev/ not having a device to match to the card...
> I assume the 2nd card is mounted in a PCMCIA CF card adapter or something?
It shouldn't be that, I had a similar issue working out how to mount the
second CF card in my Workpad without it having a disklabel on it. IIRC
you use partition 'e' to access the single FAT filesystem on the card.
So wd1e or wd0e depending on which order the machine sees the slots.
"Phased plasma rifle in a forty-watt range?"
"Hey, just what you see, pal."