Subject: Re: The state of NetBSD on the z-50
To: None <>
From: Snappy! <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 02/10/2005 06:38:59
>When mounting the 2nd CF, I assume the CF is in a PCMCIA adapter and
>inserted in the PCMCIA slot?
Yes, that's right!
>Also, are both cards inserted before attempting install, or booting the
>install binary? I have had problems in some Linux versions with
> >inserting/removing CF cards while the kernel was booted, and it didn't
>like that. I did not have any such problems running 1.6.2 on a >MBPro 880,
>but the 2.0 kernel may have some issues with inserting devices on the ATA
>bus after it's running.
I've tried a few permutations:
1. Only 1 cf in cf slot. Contains bootloader+tgz for installation
2. 1cf in cf slot with bootloader. 1cf in pcmcia slot with tgz files.
3. 1cf in cf slot with no files, ready for installation .1cf in pcmcia slot
with bootloader +tgz for installation.
4. 1cf in cf slot with tgz for installation.1cf in pcmcia slot with
bootloader. Remove after bootup.
I seem to be getting sporadic hangs. You may want to read the other thread
"Success with MP790 but ... ". Andy Ruhl mentions the issue with trying to
mount a msdos partn when the cf contains a boot kernel already. I am getting
the same problem.