Subject: Re: 4gb hitachi microdrive compatible with ibm microdrive? will it
To: nick thompson <>
From: Rory O\"C <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 08/11/2006 21:50:48
nick thompson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I went to compusa to get a cf card for my new z50, and I noticed that
> they carry a 4gb hitachi microdrive. First of all, is it compatible
> with the ibm microdrives? It looks to be the same, cf II or whatever.
> Do these cards take any more battery than a regular cf card?
> thanks
> Nick
> "All unix, all the time."
Hitachi bought IBM's disk drive operation, inluding the microdrives.
However, those bigger ones (over 1 GB) could be problematic - I have
one, and it is very weird in how it is recognized (or not) by various
computers I have, including a Mobile Pro 790 that does not see it at all
with its WinCe software in the CF slot. A MoPro 800, that I got running
for a little while with NetBSD 3.0 could "see" it when attached via USB
flash card reader, but got errors.