Subject: Re: Missing xf86cfg?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 05/12/2007 16:01:27
> Noob question - my installation of NetBSD 3.1 is working fine, and I
> can start X fine, on a PenCentra 130. But I'd like to tweak my
> XF86.config file. I can't find anywhere: [...] nor any of the usual
> xf86 config files. But X is there, and works...
> and using "X -configure" to create an XF86 config file complains that
> "-configure" isn't a valid option".
> What am I doing wrong?
Expecting all X servers to work just like XFree86 X servers.
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