Subject: Re: -current (4.99.29) on Z50
To: None <>
From: Dave J. Barnes <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 09/13/2007 09:58:00
Hi Nick,
>... do you use 48MB ram, or have you done the 64MB mod?
64MB mod? I've got 48MB. What is the 64MB mod?
>Just wondering as far as usability ...
Usability is fine as long as you don't expect the thing to win any speed
GTK2 apps are probably too much, as is freetype. A WWW browser with
frames and
Java would be nice but I haven't found one that runs on mipsel yet.
I've got a 2GB microdrive and a 3c574 ethernet in the system I'm currently
testing. Your 340MB microdrive will probably be too small for any X apps
and stuff.