Subject: Re: -current (4.99.29) on Z50
To: Dave J. Barnes <>
From: nick thompson <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 09/19/2007 22:11:22
I will respond to each point as you did, read below..
Dave J. Barnes wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> >... do you use 48MB ram, or have you done the 64MB mod?
> 64MB mod? I've got 48MB. What is the 64MB mod?
The 64 MB mod was developed by the main developer of vr-linux, and as
far as I know of, only a few exist, all of which I believe are in Japan.
Below is an excerpt from an email from Kawashima:
Just from my memory, this memory chip is 0.5mm fine pitch TSOP.
So if you have enough soldering experience, it will be possible.
You need 2 memory chips for 16 MB. (64Mbit DRAM x 2).
But many kind of 64M bit DRAM are there, so you need to select exactly
memory chip. This memory chip will be discontinued already, so you might
need to get
second hand memory board.
I did not document about it, sorry.
> >Just wondering as far as usability ...
> Usability is fine as long as you don't expect the thing to win any
> speed records:)
> GTK2 apps are probably too much, as is freetype. A WWW browser with
> frames and
> Java would be nice but I haven't found one that runs on mipsel yet.
> I've got a 2GB microdrive and a 3c574 ethernet in the system I'm
> currently
> testing. Your 340MB microdrive will probably be too small for any X apps
> and stuff.
> djb
Yeah, I've been hunting for 2Gb microdrives, and trying to get a
straight answer on whether microdrives > 2GB will work with the z50. (I
have a recollection that someone said they were running a 4GB
microdrive, but I can't find the message / email.) I did manage to chase
down one of the AA battery packs though, that was a nice addition to my
z50 setup. Anyway, thanks a lot for the info, it's much appreciated.
Nick / npt
"All unix, all the time."