On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 8:28 AM, Emanuele Santoro
<santoro%autistici.org@localhost> wrote:
The problem is: the guy who should have sold the workpad z50 hasn't
still sold it to me because he can't find his z50-compatible power
supply, and he has asked me if i would buy it without the power supply
BUT with a working and compatible 802.11b wireless card instead...
The question is... what would be better?
A power supply or the wireless card?
What's your opinioni ?
What would you choose ?
Compare the prices between an 802.11b wireless adapter known to work
and a power adapter. A quick google seach turned up a US$6.99 power
adapter for the z50, but its located in the USA (
http://www.sibwholesale.com/servlet/the-25819/Notebook-AC-Power-Supply/Detail ) ... the wireless adapters tend to go for quite a bit more,
so... I guess my decision would rest on the what the difference in shipping costs would be for getting a wireless card or getting a power adapter.