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Re: Ericsson MC16 (SH3)

On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 13:38:58 +0200, Vesa A Norrman wrote:

> Do you know how I can debug keymap codes?

In sys/arch/hpcsh/dev/pfckbd.c see the DPRINTF in pfckbd_input.

> My 680 us keymap seems to be wrong.

Mea culpa.  The "US" keymap is probably an "International" one.
Actual US keyboard lacks several keys, as I learnt the hardway
recently when it turned out that the 16MB expansion chip I bought had
the US driver in the RAM - suddenly under WinCE I lost my brackets
(separate keys on intl keyboard, Fn-accessible only on US).

Some pictures of US and intl keyboard can be found at 

SY, Uwe
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