Subject: Re: Jornada 680 asks for "root device"
To: Nikos Ntarmos <>
From: Michael Wileman <>
List: port-hpcsh
Date: 06/26/2005 01:17:36
Just a quick note here. Nikos, I replaced just the kernel file and
hpcboot.exe with the files you sent me, and it works! I'm getting some
errors when it boots, but I can log in fine, and even X works. No more
time to work on it now, but thanks. I'll report more when I have
investigated a little further. Your version of hpcboot was definitely
different than the one I downloaded from It had many more
options for regional variations.
On Sun, 26 Jun 2005, Nikos Ntarmos wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sat, Jun 25, 2005 at 07:17:47PM -0400, Michael Wileman wrote:
>> It's a Sandisk CF card. I've tried in the CF slot and in a PCMCIA
>> adapter.
> Never had one of those. I'll check with some gadgeteers at the office
> for one and get back to you. The fact that WinCE reads it just fine
> makes me believe that your cf card is o.k. for use with the 680.
> FWIW I have a:
> wd0 at atabus0 drive 0: <LEXAR ATA FLASH>
> wd0: drive supports 4-sector PIO transfers, LBA addressing
> wd0: 983 MB, 1999 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 2014992 sectors
> wd0: drive supports PIO mode 4
> Now check this out:
> root@nada:~# fdisk wd0
> Disk: /dev/rwd0c
> NetBSD disklabel disk geometry:
> cylinders: 1999, heads: 16, sectors/track: 63 (1008 sectors/cylinder)
> total sectors: 2014992
> BIOS disk geometry:
> cylinders: 125, heads: 255, sectors/track: 63 (16065 sectors/cylinder)
> total sectors: 2014992
> Partition table:
> 0: Primary 'big' DOS, 16-bit FAT (> 32MB) (sysid 6)
> start 63, size 2013921 (983 MB, Cyls 0-125/93/1), Active
> 1: <UNUSED>
> 2: <UNUSED>
> 3: <UNUSED>
> root@nada:~#
> As far as hpcboot is concerned, there are two files in
> .../hpcsh/installation: hpcboot-sh3.exe and hpcboot-sh4.exe. You should
> be using hpcboot-sh3.exe. I'm sending you the contents of my
> known-to-work fat partition off list. Could you try them out and see
> if you can boot with those in your fat partition?
>> What do I need to do to capture the dmesg if the machine won't boot
>> into netbsd?
> The only way I can think of is hooking your Jornada to a pc through the
> serial cable that came with your 'nada, set the console to 'serial' in
> hpcboot under the 'option' screen, and use some serial line
> communication prog on the pc side (e.g. cu, kermit, tip, etc.) to
> capture the Jornada's output.
> \n\n
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Nikos "Nikolai" Ntarmos <>
> iD8DBQFCvgAQm6J1ac+VFgoRAojBAJ43cZ6bsaDa5Sd2zagSxAlvflQv6ACePdEF
> TSk1pYfmJHBP6Bk+YQMOpR4=
> =PpJ9