Maybe usefull
I 've installed netbsd-3.0 RC5 on my jornada 680
using a 1Go compact flash memory card with the following partitions
50 Mo for a fat partition ( homing kernel, hpcboot
and packages )
900 Mo for the bsd partition
50 Mo for a swap partition
I ve set up a swap partition in order to be able to
compile on the jornada. I also use an old 128 Mo compatct flash partition with
pcmcia-compactflash adaptor for additionaly 128 Mo swap and it works fine ( seen
by BSD as wdc )
With this amount of swap and additional packages
such as gtk-2.6, glib2, pkgconfig, I was able to compile from sources
- windowmaker
- last version of matchbox wm
- rox filer 2.0.0
- gimageview
more to come ....