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Package build problem

Still haven't solved the problem with nspr, so I decided just to package up gaim as is.

The package built and installed OK. I removed all audio, encryption and national language support, which explains some of the errors below.

Anyway, when I tried to "make package", the process fails with a tar error. Has anyone seen this before. I don't understand why the package would build and install correctly, but refuse to build.

Here is the output of "make package"

13:10 <1> mikewheel@net680[0]/usr/pkgsrc/chat/gaim#make package ===> *** No /usr/pkgsrc/distfiles/pkg-vulnerabilities file found,
===> *** skipping vulnerability checks. To fix, install
===> *** the pkgsrc/security/audit-packages package and run
===> *** '/usr/pkg/sbin/download-vulnerability-list'.
===> Packaging gaim-1.3.1nb1
===> Building binary package for gaim-1.3.1nb1
Creating package /usr/pkgsrc/packages/All/gaim-1.3.1nb1.tgz
Using SrcDir value of /usr/pkg
Registering depends: glib2>=2.6.1 gtk2+>=2.6.4nb1 xdg-dirs>=1.1.
Registering conflicts: gaim-gnome-[0-9]*.
pkg_create: can't stat `/usr/pkg/lib/gaim/libsilcgaim.la'
pkg_create: can't stat `/usr/pkg/share/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/gaim.mo'
pkg_create: can't stat `/usr/pkg/share/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES/gaim.mo'
pkg_create: can't stat `/usr/pkg/share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/gaim.mo'

[similar lines regarding national language support deleted]

pkg_create: can't stat `/usr/pkg/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/gaim.mo'
pkg_create: can't stat `/usr/pkg/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/gaim.mo'
tar: Unable to access lib/gaim/libsilcgaim.la (No such file or directory)
tar: Unable to access share/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/gaim.mo (No such file or 
tar: Unable to access share/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES/gaim.mo (No such file or 

[another deletion of similar lines]

tar: Unable to access share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/gaim.mo (No such file or 
tar: WARNING! These file names were not selected:


pkg_create: tar command failed with code 256
(pkg_create: exitcode 2)
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/chat/gaim
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/chat/gaim
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/chat/gaim
13:18 <2> mikewheel@net680[1]/usr/pkgsrc/chat/gaim#

Any ideas? Is the process failing because of the removal of sound and/or national language support. I did this properly using config switches passed in the Makefile, not by hacking into it.

I suspect there may also be some confusion here between BSD and GNU tools, but don't really know how to proceed.

If anyone wants to play with it, I can send them the build directory (about 150M, surely much less once tarred and gzipped).

It's actually quite useable on the small screen once appropriate adjustements have been made to window size. With a wireless card, allows the Jornada to be used as a nice handheld chat device.


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