> /usr/xsrc/xfree/xc/programs/xkbprint/psgeom.c:1392: warning: case > label value is less than minimum value for type Hmm, do you ahve up to date xsrc? Revision 1.2 of psgeom.c had the fix for that: revision 1.2 date: 2006/05/14 06:51:06; author: christos; state: Exp; lines: +28 -16 Add casts to match the type of the switch variable.
right, thx, but that fix is present here (I have 1.2). Looking into the cvs log for that file, I find root@roy:/usr_firefly/xsrc/xfree/xc/programs/xkbprint# cvs log psgeom.c |grep netbsd-4 abandoned-netbsd-4-base: 1.2 abandoned-netbsd-4: netbsd-4: netbsd-4-base: 1.2 although is not present. Is this correct? I didn't even know of netbsd-4-base label, perhaps I should have. I am currently getting and then building netbsd-4-base for hpcsh. thx, Michai