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Re: Ext2 filesystems

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 1:44 PM, Valeriy E. Ushakov 
<uwe%stderr.spb.ru@localhost> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 13:17:59 +0200, Adam Wysocki via ArcaBit wrote:
>> 23.06.08 cbd%diamand.org@localhost wrote:
>> > >> Can the hpcsh netbsd kernel read ext2 filesystems?
>> > >
>> > > Yes, but AFAIK not by default. You have to recompile it.
>> > Is that possible on linux?
>> As far as I know no, but you can always use some virtualization software
>> (I've used VMware) and install NetBSD there. It does not need to be
>> blazingly fast.
>> Please see: http://snark.ptc.spbu.ru/~uwe/netbsd/cross.html
> Heh, you seem to be thoroughly confused about cross compilation on
> several levels. :)
> To answer original question.
> Cross compiling NetBSD under Linux (and most modern Unices) is
> intended to work.  BTW, the referred page was started as an internal
> note at my previous company and the host system used was Linux.
> Sometimes crosscompilation on some version of Linux or other gets
> broken - there are so many of them and it's already humanly impossible
> to test any change that potentailly affect crosscompilation on even a
> handful, but that is considered a bug in NetBSD build infrastructure
> and we try to fix them as they are reported.

I have successfully build port hpcsh on a slackware 12.0 laptop late
last year or early this year, I forget exact time.

Christer O. Andersson

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