Subject: Re: interrupt masking
To: None <>
From: T. William Wells <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/18/1994 22:24:42
In article <>,
Bruce Evans <> wrote:
: >That regular interrupt code masks and unmasks the interrupt, which means that
: >the fast handler is locked out while the slow handler is executing, NOT the
: >intended behavior!
: One solution is to reenter on a different interrupt number. The software
: interrupt for ttys (SIR_TTY?) was designed for this purpose.
"Designed"? I hope not! "Intended", perhaps, but, unless I've missed
something, essentially none of the code has been written.
: Using SIR_TTY is better because it has a more suitable (low)
: priority.
That will not work. The slow handler has to be at least spltty.
: >On thinking about how to get around this, the question occured to me: why
: >mask them at all? This is my understanding of what happens when an interrupt
: 1) EISA systems support (non-braindamaged) level sensitive interrupts. If
: these are used, then masking is required to stop interrupts being pending
: all all the time.
Masking? One would suppose that interrupt acknowledgement would be more
appropriate under the circumstances.
: 2) The IRQ line may go up and down a few times while an interrupt is being
: serviced.
One hopes not, unless they represent real interrupts.
: If the interrupt isn't masked, then there will be an extra h/w
: interrupt to look at for each rising edge and an extra pending bit to
: handle after the first interrupt is serviced. It's not clear whether the
: overhead for this (large overhead a few times) is smaller than the overhead
: for masking (small overhead many times).
Probably the latter. And one suppose that the drivers for devices where this
occurs, the driver could, and should, minimize the problem.
: The new interrupt will set the mask as well as the pending bit so there is
: no problem.
Urk. So it will.