Subject: Re: PCI M/Bs and SCSI...
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/07/1995 13:26:12
"lukem" == Luke Mewburn <>
lukem>> I've seen a nicely manufactured [&] 486 that has 4 PCI, 1 VLB, 3 ISA
lukem>> with Intel chipset.
"mycroft" == Charles M. Hannum <>
mycroft> This sounds like the ASUS/AUStek PCI/I-486 SP3G. I've been hearing a
mycroft> lot of good things about these boards, though I haven't used one
mycroft> myself.
>From what I remember of seeing a friend's machine boot, it has award bios
and ASUS was displayed somewhere in the boot mesg. too...
lukem>> I currently have
lukem>> an AHA 1542CF which I know is the bottleneck (my DEC RZ26 disk
lukem>> is definately faster than the 1400K/s I currently get)
mycroft> Or the file system parameters are abysmal.
Tuned to -d 0 -n 1 -a 32. (I've been doing -a 32 since before the
discussion on the list; hangover from f/s performance tuning under
Ultrix) From testing (using bonnie), and seeing the results from a
similar drive using a Buslogic VLB 445S, I'm maxing out on the ISA.
lukem>> PS: Cost is AU$215 for M/B, and AU$110 for card, [...]
mycroft> Does that include the CPU and/or memory?
Nope. Just a pure board. Typical costs (in Australian Dollars) for
stuff is like:
i486dx2-66 chip: 250-300
486 VLB no CPU board: 125
486 PCI no CPU board: 215-260
Pentium 90 cpu/PCI board 600-800
4MB 9bit SIMM 180
4MB 72pin SIMM 215
#9 GX 64 Pro (S3-964) video 800
#9 GX 64 (S3-864) video 350
Quantum LPS 540MB SCSI-2 450
The dx2-66 chip is cheapest bang for buck. AMD dx2-80 cpus (which I
have been waiting for for a while) are about $500, so for the little
extra grunt and the limitations (VLB & PCI don't work (well) > 33MHz),
it's not worth upgrading...
(sidenote: the gov. reduces import tariffs and we still pay too much...)
Luke Mewburn UNIX Technical Support
<> CPR Project, ITG
Phone: +61 3 634 2112 Telecom Australia.