Subject: Re: NetBSD/DOS on same disk...
To: Ted Lemon <>
From: Wayne Berke <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/20/1995 16:19:00
In message <>, Ted Lemon writes:
> I should point out that chastising somebody for not getting what they
> need out of the INSTALL document isn't particularly fair. I had to
> read it quite a few times to get anywhere, and even so, I missed stuff
> that Stu picked up on, and I picked up on stuff that he missed. I
> generally think of both Stu and myself as being fairly savvy
> unix-literate individuals.
I didn't think INSTALL doc was that bad myself but then I'm also in
the midst of trying to understand AIX's LVM from the IBM docs. ;-)
The point is that NetBSD is not and never will be Linux. It's not for people
who aren't willing to do the kind of immersion into the guts of it that
you yourself admit you had to do.
> Rather than spending energy being defensive about a preliminary
> document, it would be better to spend that same energy working on
> improving the documentation so that a newbie doesn't have to read it
> over three times to even get started.
Personally, I thought that Ken's response was pretty mild. If people
are encouraged to do as much they can in terms of investigating the
problem before asking, then they can expect a better response from
others who are operating under the same set of rules.
Wayne Berke