Subject: Re: Problems
To: Alaric <>
From: VaX#n8 <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/21/1995 03:54:47
I have had a similar problem since 386BSD-0.1+, with my HP-LJII.
I never found a satisfactory solution, but I borrowed a printer switch
from a friend and just flip it to "connected" when I need to print.
It won't probe it right if the printer is OFF and connected, for some reason.
If it's on (which I don't like to do), then it will probe OK. This is with
a STB parallel/serial card.
And the driver should really default to making backspace backspace, and
delete delete, I agree. It's a driver, you shouldn't need to stty to get
it to work right :) I still have problems when shelling out under X...
Just FMI: Does anyone know if leaving an HP-LJII on adversely affect the
lifetime of the printer or cartridge (or fusing rollers?)
VaX#n8 (vak-sa-nate) - n, CS senior++ and Unix junkie -
Just the vax-man. Read my MIPS, no new VAXes! - PGP key on request