Subject: swapping to a vnode device
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Phil Knaack <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/24/1995 12:12:50
I have discovered that it's not possible to configure swapping to a vnode
device using It looks as tho a definition was started in
files.i386.newconf, but it is mostly commented out:
#major {vnd = 14}
Obviously, more is needed .. i changed the `config netbsd' line in
my config:
config netbsd root on wd0 swap on sd0 and vnd0
config netbsd root on wd0 swap on sd0
and after'ing and manually editing swapnetbsd.c to include the
vnd swap device:
struct swdevt swdevt[] = {
{ makedev(4, 1), 0, 0 }, /* sd0 */
{ makedev(14,1), 0, 0 }, /* vnd0 */
{ NODEV, 0, 0 }
I was then able to swap to a vnode device. It seems to work perfectly, is
there any reason why it is not enabled in files.i386.newconf?
Also, the man page for vnconfig incorrectly specifies the example on how
to create a vnode swap. It says:
vnconfig -e /dev/vnd0c /var/swapfile swap
and should say:
vnconfig -e /dev/vnd0b /var/swapfile swap
am I just making too many assumptions about swapping to vnode devices?
Phil Knaack
Database Programmer, NCR Student Development Group
Extension Department Project Vincent, ISU