Subject: Re: Disklabels
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Alaric <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/25/1995 21:59:36
On Wed, 25 Jan 1995, Alaric wrote:
> Well I found what my problem was,
> All I had to do was set the geometry in pfdisk
> before setting the partitions, After that I was able to install.
> But when I tried to boot from the NetBSD partition I got "no operating
> system" from os-bs (I think it's got something to do with the fact that
> Enhanced IDE isn't completely supported, Oh, well.
> I just did what I wanted to do and left it on the 340.
> Although some files didn't survive, I don't know why though I backed up
correction: Remember to change the fstab when you change the partitions :)
everything survived. But it wouldn't get to the login prompt because my /usr
partition wasn't being mounted.
:) :)
> everything into a couple tar files. I think I can fix it with the bindist.
> All the stuff I was really worried about survived.
> Well, that's it.
> Alaric, | Archery: A deeply seated hatred of paper with bright
> Mka Brandon Reed | coloured circles printed on it.
Alaric, | Archery: A deeply seated hatred of paper with bright
Mka Brandon Reed | coloured circles printed on it.|