Subject: Re: how reliable is ibcs2 and linux compatibility?
To: M. Tamola <>
From: Scott Bartram <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/28/1995 10:12:51
M. Tamola" writes
>i just wanted to inquire about how the ibcs2 and linux compatibility is
>in netbsd/i386. there are a bunch of commercial packages out there that
>i might consider getting to run on my netbsd/i386-current box. can i buy
>any commercial package out there for linux or sco and run it on
I have personally run Informix, Builder Xcessory, and Word Perfect 6.0
Demo. The performance was as good or better than SCO on equivalent
FYI - the 1.0 kernel requires some patches to run X programs. Let me know
if you want them.
Scott Bartram Orion Software Inc.
email: 4404 Cavalcade Court
voice: 301-930-3113 Burtonsville, MD 20866