Subject: Re: updated vm86 kernel stuff
To: John Kohl <>
From: Ron Reisor <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/13/1995 10:27:55
I've been trying to build the dosemu into the 950606 -current NetBSD
system and all is well with the NetBSD part as far as I can tell, but I
can't build some of the dosemu-0.60.1 files. In the "periph" directory
is a file called hdinfo.c that tried to include <linux/genhd.h> which
doesn't seem to exist. Where does this come from? Do I need a Linux
distribution to build the dosemu? I was hoping that I just needed the
files in the dosemu directory on sipb.
thank you for your help,
On Tue, 6 Jun 1995, John Kohl wrote:
> I sucked out ALL my changes relative a -current kernel tree, and put
> them into .
> (Sorry, I don't have time tonight to weed out just the vm86 changes.
> Have fun with what else you see there. Don't play too much with the GUS
> audio driver, it's a work in progress).
> ==John
Ron Reisor <> (RWR3)
University of Delaware Information Technologies/Network and Systems Services
Computing Center/192 South Chapel Street/Newark DE, 19716
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