Subject: How to make pppd dial out... FAQ
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Galbavy <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/26/1995 07:11:30
This must be an FAQ, but I can't remmeber seeing it.
I am getting back to the wonderful world of serial coms after my portable
Compaq has aquired enough memory and disk to run NetBSD. kermit (from 190
sources) works fine, but damed if I can get pppd/chat to open the /dev/tty00
Any offers people ? (Real modem, i386, NetBSD-current as of May
binary snapshot)
BTW As a side note, I am also trying to get my other Intel boxes
to produce local gettys' so that I can just run pppd that way,
until I get the pcmcia software in place for Ethernet... again
nothing. Help. (Again 'local', 'softcar' have been tried).
Peter Galbavy
@ Home phone://44/973/499465
in Wonderland