Subject: NetBSD for i386 and fdisk partitions
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Alexandre Vermeerbergen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/25/1995 09:34:12
Hi NetBSDers,
I run NetBSD on my office Sparc, but one I tryed to
install NetBSD on my homebrew PC (plain 486dx2/60/16M RAm/1.3G disk).
The installation process nearly made me loose my Linux partitions.
Not a problem for the system which can be reinstalled everyday
(there's allways a new kernel ;-), but that was painful for
my own production.
I tried NetBSD on my PC 1 year ago. I wonder if the most recent
releases can cope with `fdisk' partitions, just like *most*
Unixes on PC : Solaris, SCO and Linux (perhaps more I don't know).
Is these any differences if I try with FreeBSD ?
Alex. (