Subject: 7-bit mode on tty lines?
To: port i386 <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Operator <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/02/1995 00:37:17
We have connected fpur modems to tty00...tty03. They all work fine -
but after some commands like sz or rz, the tty lines enter a 7-bit
mode with parity. After login, the lines work properly in 8-bit mode
(8N1), but when they change to 7-bit mode there seems to be no way
to return to 8-bit mode (other than logout and login again).
I am running same NetBSD versions (1.0 and 1.0A) on Amigas, but I
don't see this problem there. It's very annoying to have to log out
after transfering a file using zmodem.. The same zmodem commands work
well on the Amigas.
Any ideas..? Would be _greatly_ appreciated.
Jukka Marin