Subject: Re: Mouse/X weirdness? == pilot error
To: None <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/04/1995 11:58:41
> > So... Does anyone else out there have an AST card? If you are and
> > you're running the latest com.c (v1.60), please let me know! If you
> > could try putting 'logitech' in for your pointer protocol, and let me
> > know what happens...
> Umm, the latest com.c is 1.61, you should try it...
> Matthieu
Well, you're exactly right... Somehow my machine at home was slightly
out of sync with sup. I compared it against a machine at work, com.c
and boca.c were both older.
A kernel rebuilt with the new com.c _does not_ have the hanging problem.
Sorry for wasting everybody's time.. :-)
============================ Real 32bit multi-tasking UN*X System
Andrew Gillham | TCP/IP,NFS,PPP,4.4BSD-lite,multi-user | i386,sparc,alpha,mac68k,amiga,others
LAN/WAN/NW/UN*X specialist | ---> <---
'Free the daemon in your computer, NetBSD'