Subject: Disklabel problems
To: None <>
From: Cisco Lopez-Fresquet <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/26/1995 14:49:51
>>>>> "ESH" == Eric S Hvozda <> writes:
ESH> On Mon, 25 Sep 95 16:08:04 CDT Cisco Lopez-Fresquet wrote:
>> >>>>> "ESH" == Eric S Hvozda <> writes:
>> Hmn. I seem to be caught in a catch-22 here. I need to set a disklabel
>> BEFORE I can load NetBSD, yet I need to have NetBSD loaded in order to set a
>> disklabel....
>> I can get the kernel up and running off a floppy. Is there a way to run
>> disklabel from just a kernel?
ESH> I didn't know you were installing...
ESH> Yeah disklabel will be on the install floppy. Where it normally
ESH> should be (in /sbin)...
Running disklabel off the floppy still gives me the same problem (can't
change unset disklabel). It also adds a new one:
/etc/disktab - no such file or directory. (I assume this doesn't
exist on the floppy?)
It also seems to be having problems with the disk type, I am using a 1 Gig IDE
drive. Any ideas?
Thanks again,
- cisco
HTC honeywell