Subject: Re: Suggestions for easing 1.1 i386 installations
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Guenther Grau <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/09/1995 19:00:03
Hi all,
does anybody know of a _recent binary_ snapshot made from current for
NetBSD/i386? I am particular looking for the boot and root disks, but
a complete distibution would be fine as well :-)
P.S.: A lot of people have been cross-posting (-mailing) from port-i386
to current-users. Please think twice _before_ you send the mail, if it
should rather be addressed to port-i386 or to current-users, as I hate
to see the so many mails twice in my mailbox. Please mail port-specific
issues to port-i386 and port-independent issues to current-users, but
_*NOT*_ to both, because that's why we have two different mailing-lists.
Thank you very much in advance.