Subject: Recent snapshot of boot and installation floppies
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Guenther Grau <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/10/1995 22:14:56
thanx to all who responded to my question where to find a recent
snapshot for port-i386. Most pointers were to, which
have an unofficial snapshot dated 1995/09/05 (Sep. 5th). I was very
excited to try the new installation floppies found on this site, but
soon got dissapointed when I found out that the root and installation
floppies on this site are taken from the 1.0A snapshot made by cgd
and thus also don't work for me :-( FYI, I have an AIC6360 SCSI chip
and want to install NetBSD on a 1Gig hd connected to this adaptec
adapter. Booting from floppy is fine, drive and controller are
recognized, but every access to the hd ends up in: aic6360(0,6,0)
timed out message :-(. Hm, it seems that I have to wait for the first
beta release, until I can test NetBSD on my PC :-(
P.S.: Is it difficult to make boot and installation disks? If there
is a script somewhere, which I thought there is, then it shouldn't be
too difficult. If so, can someone please provide me with images of
these two disks made from a -current system, which is supposed to
have fixes for the aic6360 chip in it? I would be very very happy if
someone could put them up for ftp somewhere.
Thanx in advance.