Subject: dos mounts messed up
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brandon Reed (alaric) <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/26/1995 12:53:42
I just had a problem where my disklabel got wasted by norton disk doctor,
but when I re-made the label now I can't access the dos partition under
dos anymore. I know there was something about this in the 386bsd faq but
I've lost that file and can't find it anywhere.
btw the situation:
booted to dos and couldn't read d: partition so ran ndd which fixed it
ran dos/win95 for a few days
booted to netbsd (1.1A/i386) and couldn't find disklabel or valid netbsd
partition on wd1
re-fdisked wd1
disklabeled wd1
- can now read all partitions under netbsd
- info on partitions unchanged
boot to dos- can't read d:
Alaric, | Archery: A deeply seated hatred of paper with bright
Mka Brandon Reed | coloured circles printed on it.|