Subject: Re: dd comand for building install floppies
To: None <>
From: Kim Andersen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/14/1995 19:17:24
> Kim Andersen writes:
> > > Any one know off the top of their head the dd comand I would use
> > > to generate the install disks from the .fs files.
> >
> > dd if=inst-10A.fs.gz of=/dev/fd0a bs=8k
> That can't work -- fd0a is a block device, and you can't dd to it --
> even on SunOS...
I didn't notice it were on a Sun :-( Sorry.
And I know the correct way would be using /dev/rfd0.
(I'm not sure why there's no difference between using fd0 and rfd0)