Subject: ncr driver of 1.1_ALPHA from 20.Nov
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jan-Hinrich Fessel <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/21/1995 23:40:22
Anyone knows the meaning of this?
This one is an old J-BOND 486 Board (1993) with AMI-Bios.
The PCI section is driven through Intel Saturn 82420 chip set.
pci0 (root): configuration mode 2
pci0 bus 0 device 0: unknown vendor/product: 0x8086/0x0483 (class:
prehistoric, subclass: miscellaneous, revision: 0x02) not configured
ncr0 at pci0 bus 0 device 1
pci_map_mem: mapping memory at virtual f99c1f00, physical ffbfff00
pci_map_int: pin A mapped to line 9
ncr0: restart (scsi reset).
scsibus1 at ncr0
ncr0 targ 0 lun 0: <QUANTUM, LPS540S, 5900> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd0 at scsibus1sd0(ncr0:0:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
: 516MB, 2740 cyl, 4 head, 96 sec, 512 bytes/sec
pci0 bus 0 device 2: unknown vendor/product: 0x8086/0x0484 (class:
prehistoric, subclass: miscellaneous, revision: 0x00) not configured
biomask 240 netmask 400 ttymask 101a
changing root device to sd0a
ncr0:0: ERROR (80:11) (9-29-65) (8/13) @ (e44:19000000).
script cmd = 89030000
reg: da 10 80 13 47 08 00 1f 03 09 80 29 80 01 81 00.
ncr0: have to clear fifos.
ncr0: restart (fatal error).
sd0(ncr0:0:0): COMMAND FAILED (9 ff) @f8702000.
ncr0: restart (ncr dead ?).
sd0(ncr0:0:0): FAST SCSI-2 100ns (10 Mb/sec) offset 8.
Tragbar ist, was nicht herunterfaellt.