Subject: Re: NMI / hanging
To: None <>
From: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/24/1995 23:12:39
>>In my first root vt it gave me:
>> NMI ... going to debugger
>The most likely source is a RAM parity error. The fact that the NMI
>occurred during a memory move (repe movsl) supports this
>interpretation. Try reseating your SIMMs and/or blowing out any dust
>that's around them and see if that makes the problem go away.
>Of course, this interpretation flies right out the window if your
>system doesn't have parity-checked (9-bit) memory. Most newer PCs
>don't, which is a big mistake IMNSHO.
Also, while doing that, you might taking a pencil erasor and using it
to clean the contacts on your SIMMs (an old trick used on Apple II and
ISA cards). Just be *very* careful to keep yourself grounded and try
generate as little static electricity as possible (don't move your
feet around on carpeting!).
Michael L. VanLoon
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