Subject: Re: Java Port for NetBSD
To: Randy Terbush <>
From: Scott Bartram <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/28/1995 21:43:14
>Is anyone on this list actively working on porting Java to NetBSD?
>Since the Linux and x86 Solaris camps have working ports, it should
>be relatively easy. Please contact me via Email if you are doing
>anything on this.
This is on the top of my "what i'd like to do next" list (along with NFS
locking support).
If you find that someone is already working on it please let me know. If
not and you want another team member, count me in.
Scott Bartram Orion Software Inc.
email: 4404 Cavalcade Ct.
voice: 301-930-3113 Burtonsville, MD 20866-2204