Subject: Re: netscape/linux/java/sound
To: Frank van der Linden <>
From: Nathaniel D. Daw <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/06/1995 01:06:51
On Wed, 6 Dec 1995, Frank van der Linden wrote:
> > I am running the linux binary of Netscape 2.0b3 on NetBSD 1.1alpha,
> > current about a month ago, in order to experiment with java. The damn
> > thing works great, well, surprisingly well (crashes if my x-server isn't
> > in 8-bit mode when a java app starts, but other than that ...), but there
> > is no sound. Does anyone know how netscape attempts to play sound using
> > linux and if we emulate it? Whatever it is is statically linked in; libc
> > and libm are the only libraries it loads. Any ideas?
> The Linux emulation currently has no sound support (but it's 2nd on my
> list-of-things-to-do). However, Netscape should try to play music through
> external programs, so this should just be a matter of providing these
> external programs. The best way to do this would be via a .mailcap file
> (this should be documented somewhere..)
Sorry. Yeah, my mailcap pipes audio through sox and cat /dev/audio. This
works fine for clicking on samples in netscape, but the audio I am not
getting is that generated by java applets. I'm not sure that even uses
helper applications; actually I'm not sure how it's done at all.