Subject: Re: two IDE drives
To: None <>
From: Cisco Lopez-Fresquet <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/08/1995 15:43:09
>>>>> "JFW" == John F Woods <> writes:

JFW> Pardon what is almost certainly a tremendously obvious question, but:
JFW> Can NetBSD be installed on the second of two IDE drives?  How does one then
JFW> boot it?  I have been given a fabulous Pentium system by my employer, who
JFW> expects me to use MSWord and other Windows95 or NT tools (ulch).  However, I'd
JFW> like to also be able to use NetBSD on it when I'm just goofing around.  I've
JFW> booted the 1.1 boot/install floppies and it works (almost too well; being a
JFW> 133MHz Pentium, the boot program didn't give me enough time to type in a
JFW> boot command before marchng off and loading netbsd from the floppy!), but
JFW> beyond that, I want to hold off on installing until I know it'll actually work
JFW> the way I'd like it too.
JFW> The install document didn't seem to answer this question immediately.

Yes, you can.  Get a copy of the os-bs boot program, beta version (should
be available wherever you got NetBSD).  This installs a boot program that
lets you boot off of a partition on a second hard drive.

 - cisco

An employer?  Oh yeah - I do have one of those.  I guess that
means I have to use this space for a disclaimer.    *sigh*