Subject: Re: Strange PCI-related messages on...
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: bluen (Juergen PETER) <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/13/1995 11:55:13
>> From: (Andrew Gillham)
>> Can't really explain them, but for a nifty utility that tells quite a
>> bit about the various chunks of the PCI chipset, look at:
You could also try the scanpci-utility that comes with XFree86-3.*
It is a bit more explicit about pci-devices than netbsd-boot messages.
Scanpci resides under $X11HOME/lib/X11/etc/ and should compile
out of the box. (with me that's /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/etc)
With me, it told me about the pci-to-isa bridge and something more
explicit about the VGA-device (which I forgot...).
I don't know about the other things though (the CDROM and Blaster).
But I guess the CDROM is a good guess for the other unconfigured device.
The utility Andrew Gillham told you as well as scanpci should be
able to verify the guess.
Don't forget, unconfigured either means 'physically not there or
not configured into this kernel'. This might as well be the cause
why your soundblaster is not recognized.
J=FCrgen Peter ( | PGP encrypted mail is welcome.
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