Subject: AHA 2842/2742 support and pr #1594
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Graff <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/06/1996 22:02:12
I noticed pr #1594, which does what I did only differently wrt aha2[78]4x
I like the thought of having one ahc driver which will support all the
aha* using aic7770 or aic7870. Is there something broken with that
pr? I'd consider updating the pr if others agree it's a Good Thing.
This brings up yet another point. Where should a driver which supports
more than one bus (pci, isa, and eisa) go? It doesn't fit anywhere
really. Perhaps the divided bus idea was a bad one, or the divisions
were bad?