Subject: EIDE install problems
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Darren Steven <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/08/1996 09:23:35
We are trying to install NetBSD-1.1 on an i486/ISA PC, Seagate 520M IDE drive.
model ST3660A
We had problems with older PC's locking when trying to use the drives LBA
mode, so we switched to another box that knows all about EIDE, LBA etc.
The install goes fine: sees the drive, reports geometery and LBA mode (same
as written on outside of disk, and as treported by BIOS autodetect),
multi-sector transfer etc, makes NetBSD partitions & filesystem, copies
kernel etc...
However, when we go to re-boot NetBSD from the hard drive, a read error
occurs and the system locks. This error appears immediately upon access of
the hard-drive as the system boots.
This also happens if we plug in another drive that is working NetBSD 1.0 system.
Any hints? When does NetBSD take over the disk acccess - Is it after the
kernel image is loaded, or does the boot program know about the IDE controller ?
We have tried just about all combinations of the BIOS LBA, multi-sector
modes (including all OFF). This is getting crazy - any ideas appreciated.
Darren Steven
Australian Maritime College
Information Technology Services Department
Newnham Campus
Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Phone (003) 35 4842