Subject: Re: pccons
To: Thomas Graichen <>
From: None <Chris_G_Demetriou@NIAGARA.NECTAR.CS.CMU.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/15/1996 16:37:48
> are there any plans to:
> * include matthieu herrb's patch for adding support for non-us-keyboards to
> pccons (you may find it at
> or the syscons driver from FreeBSD into the main NetBSD/i386 tree ?
I looked this over, with the intention of integrating it into
NetBSD/Alpha's PS/2-style-keyboard driver, but haven't done so yet.
Some features i'd like to see:
(1) keymaps split into seperate files, included when necessary.
(2) ability to include _all_ national keyboard maps, and have
a way to select between them. (e.g. on the alpha, the
firmware will tell me what kind of keyboard is attached.)
(3) in the presence of (2), ability to select exactly one
keyboard for inclusion. (a way to do _multiple_ keyboards
would be better, but could get ugly... don't want too
many 'options'...)