Subject: update of atapi driver
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/05/1996 21:24:23
I've updated the files in to include the
last changes I've made. People who had installed the driver can use the file to upgrade their sources.
The file contains
the up-to-date diffs for 1.1 and -current.
I've also updated the README.
For each update, i will update the diffs in atapi.tar.gz, and
add a file patch[n+1] to help update from previous release.
The only thing I've made from the previous patch is some cleanup in
the various printf. The debugging ones are now between a
#ifdef SOMETHING/#endif. After a media change, the first mount don't fail
This were the minor changes needed for it to be integrated in the master source
tree. There is still no audio support, and i don't think i'll have enougth
time to work on it in the next week. If someone is volunter ...
Manuel Bouyer, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees, Paris