Subject: Re: problems with more(less)
To: None <>
From: Mike Long <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/08/1996 14:42:12
>Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 14:32:15 -0800 (PST)
>From: John M Vinopal <>
>Recompiled the whole world with sources from Tues Mar 5, gcc 2.7.2
>This with an i386, pcvt.
>Screen 1 has the problem that anything using more(less) will only appear
>using the bottom line of the screen. Additionally, its notion of the bottom
>of the screen is one line higher than normal. The screen will then only
>draw on this last line until clear(1)ed.
What is the value of TERM for screen 1 vs. the other screens?
Did you update /etc/ttys when you switched to pcvt?
Does the /etc/ttys entry for ttyv0 match the others?
Mike Long <> <URL:>
VLSI Design Engineer finger for PGP public key
Analog Devices, CPD Division CCBF225E7D3F7ECB2C8F7ABB15D9BE7B
Norwood, MA 02062 USA (eq (opinion 'ADI) (opinion 'mike)) -> nil