Subject: Re: Problems getting i386 talking to sparc with ethernet
To: Dustin Sallings <>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/11/1996 00:07:16
As a side note, I got the 386 booting off of it's hard drive,
finally. don't remember the exact magic, but it involved some
iterations of 'frobbing' with the cards. Now... still having the
ethernet problems (see below)...
>>>>> "Dustin" == Dustin Sallings <> writes:
Dustin> On Sun, 10 Mar 1996, David Gilbert wrote:
>> The sparc then changes it's tune to 'ping sendto: host is down'.
>> Conversely, if I ping from the 386, I get 'ed2: device timeout' a
>> few times before ping responds with 'ping sendto: host is down' ...
Dustin> I had the same problem under both NetBSD and FreeBSD.
Dustin> I had FreeBSD on a 386sx/16 and Net is on a 386dx/40. Both
Dustin> cases I was running an NE1k (ed2 in NetBSD at least). I
Dustin> trashed FreeBSD a while back, and when I got the same thing
Dustin> under Net (first install a few days ago), I decided it had to
Dustin> either do with a) 386 or b) NE1K. I put in a 3c509 and
Dustin> everything ran, and is still running, smoothly.
Dustin> I've only been using NetBSD for a few days, though, so
Dustin> I don't know all that much about it, but am I right in
Dustin> thinking that irq is hardcoded into the driver? If so, that
Dustin> could be my problem because it's listed differently in the
Dustin> kernel config for ed2. Has anyone had success with an NE1k?
Dustin> (we've got a lot of them)
I have a 3c509 here from work, too. I tried putting it in,
and it is recognised as 'ep0' by NetBSD. However, when I ifconfig it,
I get 'lpt0: out of paper' on the console. When I try pinging through
the 3c509, it doesn't work, but it also doesn't respond with driver
timeouts like the ed2.
Anyways, the card I have is an NE2000 clone. I can only
configure it for the ed2 case. It won't do irq9 (which is what ed0
says it wants when it boots), and it won't go into 0x250 (which is the
ed1 address).
The funny thing here is that I had it working at one point.
I'm toying with the idea of hauling it back to work to try it on that
network again.
Any ideas? Can someone make me a kernel that will fit on a
floppy that has the NE2000 at 0x300 and irq2?
|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario. | Two things can only be |
|Mail: | equal if and only if they |
| | are precisely opposite. |