Subject: Re: problems with le0
To: Jarkko Torppa <>
From: Greg Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/11/1996 20:12:00
>I can only confirm your problems, my Compaq-P75 with onboard PCnet-PCI
>has reported
By the way...does anyone have plans/info on getting the AMD SCSI to work
with NetBSD?
At work I have a Compaq Deskpro XL/133 that has the following chip;
| PCNet SCSI |
| AM79C974KC |
| 95466PA |
| (C) 1993 AMD |
I'm hoping to eventually be able to use it with NetBSD without using another
SCSI Controller.
-Greg Gillham
Greg Gillham
1811 E Frankford Rd Apt 1015
Carrollton, TX 75007-5238
-----------------------------------------Greg Gillham
1811 E Frankford Rd Apt 1015
Carrollton, Tx 75007-5238