Subject: Ethernet woes, round 2. I've replaced everything.
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG, port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/12/1996 00:11:55
Ok. The network consists of only two hosts. One is
NetBSD-sparc (Sun4/260), the other is NetBSD-386. On the sparc, I
have the built in ethernet, and a VME ethernet board (recognised as
ie1). I have tried both boards. Off of either board, I have a
tranceiver... I have tried three different tranceivers. This latest
one has a switch for DQE, I have tried both settings of the switch. I
have tested two of the tranceivers on another sun (sparc 1+) and they
are known to work.
The machine are connected together with 10-base-2 (thin). I
have tried 3 different strands of thin. Two I have tested and know to
work elsewhere.
The 386 has (currently) a 3c509 in it. I have also had a
Novel-2000 in it. The PC was relatively happy on the net at work.
The PC is using it's thin port.
Now... the PC does not complain aabout the network. However,
the Sun4 on either ethernet card will complain 'too many collisions'
when I try a simple ping. The current tranceiver also has lights for
collision when light when the sparc is pinging --- but I wonder how
much that is conected to the card's idea of a collision...
Any ideas? I am at a loss for what should be a pretty simple
job. I have changed everything but the OS. I have half a mind to
boot the SunOS boot tapes to see if they have networking in their
However, I'm not too hopeful since I tried a 'b ie(0,0,0)' at
the prom prompt, and got back a bunch of 'ethernet cable problems'
type messages.
|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario. | Two things can only be |
|Mail: | equal if and only if they |
| | are precisely opposite. |