Subject: reboot after panic: ptdi %x - continued
To: port i386 <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Operator <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/17/1996 19:17:53
Now that I know this is an i386 specific thing (somewhat ;)..
I set NKPDE to 32 in ..i386/include/pmap.h, but it didn't seem to help
(or maybe I'm asking for too much). Anyway, the command that crashes the
system is
dd if=/dev/rsd1e of=/dev/null bs=4194304 count=100
This happens on a P120 with 32 MB RAM, two 1-gig SCSI disks and one 1-gig
IDE disk. bs=2MB works ok.
Any ideas?
P.S. Completely unrelated, my Turbo TC-400 serial card driver seems to
work. I haven't run any extensive tests so far. The driver is
based on the ast driver (both cards have 4 serial ports). If anyone
wants to test the driver, please e-mail to Thanks.