Subject: Re: Silo overflow?
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/22/1996 23:45:50
>>>>> "Charles" == Charles M Hannum <> writes:
Dave> I usually got the silo overflows while downloading, so I
Dave> figured having the serial port and the IDE disk busy at the
Dave> same time caused the problem.
Charles> This should be sort-of fixed in -current. I've arranged
Charles> things so that serial port interrupts can always interrupt
Charles> the IDE driver.
This is good news. It does seem to be somewhat better in
-current. I have not noticed any significant complaint tonight while
downloading. However, it still seems that flooding both directions
can cause the previous symptom. This might be a matter of optimising
what happens when you're doing this.
Charles> You'll still lose badly if you have a 3c509, though...
I suppose that I'm 'lucky' to have bought a cheep Novell-2000
clone card. Seems to work relativly well in my setup.
|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario. | Two things can only be |
|Mail: | equal if and only if they |
| | are precisely opposite. |