Subject: Re: How to get from X to ddb?
To: None <>
From: John Kohl <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/31/1996 00:44:29
>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Rees <> writes:
Jim> Sorry to ask a newbie question, but if the X server is running, and the
Jim> kernel panics, is there any way to get to ddb?
Pretty much no, unless you either (1) have prearranged a serial-line
console, or (2) do disgusting things like taking hunks of X11 server
code and shoving them into the kernel.
I did (2) a while back for the ATI Mach32 X driver and for the
SVGA/ET4000 driver, but I haven't used said hacks in long enough that
they're certainly stale and maybe even lost to humanity.