Subject: Re: 16550's in wrong st after reboot
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nathaniel D. Daw <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/31/1996 19:15:59
>I have a pretty strange problem where the com ports appear to
>be in the wrong state after reboot. I notice this because the mouse
>probe done from MS-DOS fails and then probes my modem...
>A hard reboot fixes it.
I have this problem too -- if I warm boot into MS-DOS from NetBSD,
my (generic mousesystems) mouse driver hangs polling the mouse, and
I have to cold boot. It's a big pain; Perry said the answer would be
to register shutdown hooks to fix the ports' state, but I never looked
into it.